About us
![]() Ilze Ozola Board member, Chairman | Ph.D. in Geology - obtained in 2013 at the University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences. The dissertation studied peatlands and their formation and peat and its properties. | |
![]() Normunds Stivrins Board member, Deputy Chairman | Completed MSc in geology in June 2011 in the Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences, University of Latvia, and defended Ph.D. in Earth Sciences at the Institute of Geology at the Tallinn University of Technology in January 2015. From January 2015 until August 2017 worked as a post-doctoral researcher in the consortium project headed by Prof. Heikki Seppä “Ecological history and long-term dynamics of the Boreal forest ecosystem (EBOR)” in the Department of Geosciences and Geography, University of Helsinki. From July 2017 to January 2021 assoc.prof., but later on (2021) a professor (full) in Quaternary geology and geomorphology at the University of Latvia. Since February 2018 Senior Researcher at the University of Latvia. Previously from 2009 to 2011 worked as a senior expert in the Licence sector at the Latvian Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development. Since January 2018 Researcher at the Department of geology at the Tallinn University of Technology. Member of the "Latvian National Peat Society" since 2023. The primary research field is palaeoecology with a focus on the reconstruction of past vegetation dynamics. Main research methods:
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![]() Ieva Grudzinska-Elsberga Board member |
Ieva’s scientific interest has always been associated with freshwater ecosystems and lake sediments. At the University of Latvia, she studied environmental science specializing in paleolimnology. Her Master`s thesis was about environmental changes and anthropogenic impact in three lakes (Lake Bušnieku, Lake Engure and Lake Svente) over the Holocene. She applied several palaeoecological methods, such as pollen, macroremain, diatom and grain-size analyses, as well as loss-on-ignition and magnetic susceptibility. She used her knowledge in paleolimnology further in Ph.D. studies at the Institute of Geology at Tallinn University of Technology (TUT) where she obtained Ph.D. in December 2015. In Ph.D. research “Diatom Stratigraphy and Relative Sea Level Changes of the Eastern Baltic Sea over the Holocene” she reconstructed relative sea level changes in the eastern Baltic Sea over the last 12 000 years. Research objects were isolation basins – coastal lakes that once were part of the larger water basin and due to the land uplift over time were isolated from the Baltic Sea. The key bio-proxy that is substantially required to determine the transition from marine to freshwater environment is diatom analysis. Ieva gradually improved skills in diatom identification under the supervision of eminent diatom researchers – Dr. Atko Heinsalu (TUT), Prof. Jan Risberg (Stockholm University) and Dr. Kaarina Weckström (Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland). Besides diatom analysis she applied litho- and chronostratigraphy to find the isolation contact in the isolation basins, as well as geographical information systems to determine the height of the thresholds and other geomorphological markers. Since 2016 researcher at the Institute of Biology at University of Latvia. | |
| Master degree in Geology, University of Latvia. Currently working in The Latvian State Roads. Since 2014 member of International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering | |
![]() Eliza Platpīre Board member | Master of Science in Geology (2009); Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science (2007), University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences. From 2007 to 2014 she worked in various positions (natural science laboratory assistant, research assistant, researcher) at the Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences, University of Latvia, and participated in various scientific research projects in the field of bog research and palaeoecology. Since 2013, senior expert at the Environmental Impact Assessment Division of the Environment State Bureau, a subordinate institution of the Ministry of the Environmental Protection and Regional Development. The main duties of the post are related to the provision of environmental impact assessment (EIA) procedures - preparation of decisions on the application of EIA and impact assessment programmes, assessment of EIA reports and preparation of opinions on EIA reports in areas mainly related to mining, wind farms and activities that may have a substantial impact upon protected nature territories of European significance (NATURA 2000 sites). | |
![]() Laimdota Kalnina Member | Ph.D. in Geography, Stockholm University, Sweden. Senior Researcher at the University of Latvia. Main speciality pollen analysis and aerobiology. | |
![]() Iluta Dauškane Member | Dr. biol., working as a researcher, and docent from 2017 to 2022, but since 2022 Associated Professor at the Faculty of Biology, University of Latvia. Specialist in dendrochronology. | |
![]() Vita Štelce Member | Education: Master degree in Environmental Sciences, University of Latvia (2013), bachelor's degree in Geography, University of Latvia (2011). Working in State Ltd Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre – Information Analysis department, Acting Director of Air and Climate division. | |
![]() Inta Dimante-Deimantoviča Member | Ph.D. in Biology, field of hydrobiology (obtained in 2012), worked as a
researcher at Daugavpils University's Institute of Ecology and University of
Latvia's Institute of Biology, was an assistant and researcher at the Norwegian
Institute for Nature Research for almost ten years. Currently, a leading researcher at the Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology. Inta also has experience as a project developer and manager at the Institute of Organic Synthesis of Latvia, and obtained a project manager qualification at the "Turība" business university. Research interests: functioning of aquatic ecosystems, restoration of aquatic habitats, biodiversity, micro-crustaceans, paleolimnology, anthropogenic pollution, including microplastics in aquatic habitats. Skills: preparation of project applications, research design development, project administration and management, analysis of zooplankton (Cladocera, Copepoda), analysis of littoral micro-crustaceans, analysis of Cladocera fossil remains in sediments, collection, preparation and analysis of microplastic pollution in various environmental matrices. | |
Aija Ceriņa Member | Master degree in geology (University of Latvia). Scientific interests: